Thursday, 31 August 2017


*There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things.*

*1. They will love the enjoyment  of this world and forget the day of judgement.*

*2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.*

*3. They will fear things that are created and  forget the creator.*

*4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.*

*5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God's forgiveness


Many ladies always ask, "how can I know that a guy loves me?"
Many ladies have lost good guys because they cannot identify good guys. Although guys can pretend, but you can identify a fake guy and you can know whether a guy loves you or not in the following ways:

1. A fake guy will demand for sex. A real guy will also demand for sex. But a fake guy will quit the relationship if you refuse to have sex with him, while a real guy will not quit even if you don't give him sex.

2. A fake guy shows love and care. A real guy also shows love and care. But watch out! A fake guy will stop to be caring if you commit any offence, but a real guy never stops being caring no matter your offence.

3. A real guy will not like to leave you no matter the situation.

4. A real guy that truly loves you will always apologise even if it is not his fault.

5. Fake guys pamper ladies. Real guys also pamper ladies too. But if a guy pampers you to the extreme, hmm don't trust him. In most cases, fake guys pampers ladies more than the real guys.

6. When a guy uses too many sweet words all the time, be careful. He may be fake. Real guys that truly love u will use few sweet words.

7. A real guy that truly loves you will be very concerned about your problems. He will always show much concern about the causes and solutions to your problems. But a fake guy only shows more concern about his own problems.

8. A real guy will spend money on you. Fake guy will also spend money on you. But a fake guy will not give you much money unless you have sex with him. No sex, no money. Fake love.

9. A fake guy will promise to marry you. A real guy will also promise to marry you. But a real guy will always discuss with you about how to build a successful marriage.

10. A real guy can kneel down and even shed tears to beg you never to lose him. A fake guy who does not love you will not do that.

11. A real guy will not hide his real character but a fake guy will and always be making excuses.

12. A real guy will always keep the secrets between the two. A fake guy who does not love you will spread your message.

Think Twice!!!

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


1. Your wife is not perfect, forgive her.
2. Your wife is the bone of your bone, do not break her.
3. Your wife is a gift, appreciate her.
4. Your wife is a rare gem, guide her jealously.
5. Your wife is your best friend, be friendly with her.
6. Your wife is your joy, nourish her.
7. Your wife is to be cherish, be cheerful to her.
8. Your wife is your portion, cherish her.
9. Your wife is not a devil, don’t dump her.
10. Your wife is not only good for sex, carry her along in every issue.
Love Is The Greatest
11. Your wife is not your enemy, encourage her.
12. Your wife is not a family material, never commit her unto the hand of your family members.
13. Your wife is not your rival, don’t compete with her.
14. Your wife is a female gender, honor her.
15. Your wife is not common, don’t compare her.
16. Your wife is not a wash hand base, stop abusing her.
17. Your wife is a weaker vessel, handle her with care.
18. Your wife is a beautiful queen, celebrate her.
19. Your wife is not a fighter, don’t fight her.
20. Your wife is not a punching bag, don’t beat her.
21. Your wife is not a game, don’t play her.
22. Your wife need foreplay, don’t rape her.
23. Your wife is a hook, get hook to her.
24. Your wife is all you love, praise her.
25. Your wife is important, honor her.
26. Your wife is what u make her to be, accept her.
27. Your wife is your joy, pursue her.
28. Your wife needs your honor, never embarrass her in the public.
29. Your wife is not a knife, be nice to her.
30. Your wife is a distinct personality, never compare her to any work.
31. Your wife is loyal, don’t be suspicious of her.
32. Your wife is not a fool, listen to her advice.
33. Your wife is not malicious, do not keep malice with her.
34. Your wife is the best friend you can have, befriend her.
35. Your wife is not a napkin, do not misuse her.
36. Your wife is not your house girl, support her in the kitchen.
37. Your wife is passionate, do not by- pass her.
38. Your wife is very important to you, do not abandon her.
39. Your wife is a queen, do not quarrel with her.
40. Your wife is not the only owner of the sit, help her to baby sit.
41. Your wife is reasonable, do not under- rate her.
42. Your wife is your responsibility, provide for her.
43. Your wife is yourself, do not separate her bed.
44. Your wife is number one in your life, priorities her
45. Your wife is your treasure, jealously guide her.
46. Your wife need your help, help her.
47. Your wife need your full attention, do not give it to T.V set.
48. Your wife is valuable, add more value to her.
49. Your wife is your crown, do not abandon her. 50. You will account to God about your wife, handle her with care. She may be or seem fragile, but is strong.
God bless our wives, mothers& daughters.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Reasons Why First Class Students Never Become First Class People In Life.

Hardly do first class graduates become first class
personality. While in University, we often spend too
much energy in acquiring good grades that we forget
to acquire good class personality.
After concentrating all energy in acquiring the first
class grades, we transform into a society where first
class grades don’t matter much as having a first class
In school, its easy to read, memorize and pass
examinations, but in real life, there is no sure book of
life to progress, no memorizing, no examinations, just
you and your inbuilt capability which require no
contest with anybody.
Those who eventually become big in life are mostly
people who hardly make good grades in school.
Prof. Abletor Sedofia from University of Ghana has this
to say:
“Academic excellence is overrated! Did I just say that?
Oh, yes, I said it. Being top of your class does not
necessarily guarantee that you will be at the top of
You could graduate as the best student in Finance
but it doesn’t mean you will make more money than
everybody else.
The best graduating Law student does not necessarily
become the best lawyer.
The fact is life requires more than the ability to
understand a concept, memorise it and reproduce it in
an examination.
School rewards people for their memory. Life rewards
people for their imagination and innovations.
School rewards caution, life rewards daring.
School hails those who live by the rules. Life exalts
those who break the rules and set new ones.
So do I mean people shouldn’t study hard in school?
Oh, no, you should. But don’t sacrifice every other
thing on the altar of First Class.
Don’t limit yourself to the classroom.
*Do something practical*. Take a leadership position.
Start a business and fail. That’s a better
Entrepreneurship 101.
Join or start an association. Contest an election and
lose. It will teach something Political Science 101 will not
teach you.
Attend a seminar. ...Read books outside the scope of
your course.
Go on missions and win a soul for eternal rewards. Do
something you believe in.
Think less of becoming an excellent student but think
more of becoming an excellent person.
Make the world your classroom

*Strange things we do in Africa in the name of "It's Our Culture*

*1. We care more for the dead than we do for the living!*

*2. We spend more to bury a person than we do to save their life.*

*3. We will not travel to go see a sick relative but will travel to bury him and/or her*

*4. People will rarely respect you while alive but will want to "pay their last respects" to your casket.*

*5. A person may NEVER receive roses in their entire life but they will get lots dumped on their graveyard!*

*6. We will spend a night at a neighbour's funeral and it will be our first time to see the inside of their house!*

*7. No one gives a damn to know your village until you die and they will all fill car after car to "escort" your corpse to the same village*

*8. We will take the dead to the mosque/temple/church knowing fully well they had nothing to do with worship while alive.*

*9. We might not have granite tops in our kitchens but use the granite in the graveyard!*

*10. An entire village might not have a single house with cement floors but the only place with cement will be a graveyard!*

We say how dear a person was to us after he died.  When he is alive we do not tell him.

*It is proposed we have "Cultural Reforms". We have a culture of "hypocrisy"... a culture that is "Pro-death" and NOT "Pro-life!"*
*We need to value life BEFORE death.*

Please love me while I am alive, show me your kindness now that I need it, your presence at my funeral will never make up for your absence when I have the greatest need of you. Do it now for me to enjoy.

*The above got me thinking��?*
I  met you as an unknown one
        Now I have you as a friend.
        I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends.
         THAT'S MY FRIEND!!!:)


And in 1993, Margaret Thatcher’s wealth was put at £9.5 million or roughly $6 million. Kamuzu Banda’s wealth was estimated at $320 million, that is 53 times the wealth of *Margaret Thatcher.* 
In other words, *Kamuzu Banda* of poorest of the poor Malawi was worth 5,300 per cent more than Margaret Thatcher of first world UK.
How do you explain that? How can you explain that? And remember that if you compared Kamuzu Banda’s wealth with that of Abacha, Kamuzu Banda is a mere pauper in comparison to Abacha’s wealth that was estimated in the billions of dollars.
When Zambia’s Frederick Chiluba left office, he was put on trial for corruption and abuse of office. At the trial, it came out that on one trip abroad, Chiluba went on a shopping spree and came home with 11 trunks of personal items made up of 64 shoes; 206 designer suits; 185 shirts; 74 designer ties; 36 jackets and 157 trousers. Total cost: $1.1 million. 
I can tell you that no leader in any first world country can afford to spend that much on dresses on one trip and Chiluba was only the leader of a poor country. How do you explain that?
Not too long ago, the Speaker of Parliament of one African country had 24 vehicles at his disposal and yet he went on to order eight more at the cost of $290,000 for his personal use. 
Thirty-two cars for one man, and this is just the Speaker of Parliament. It leaves you wondering how many cars the President of that country had at his disposal.
Which Speaker of the Parliament of any of the developed countries can afford even half of that number of cars? 
The next time someone tells you that Africa is poor, tell that person that he does not know what he is talking about. Africa is not poor and yet our infrastructure are all broken; our people live in poverty, our schools have broken down and our hospitals are very poorly equipped and staffed. 
The reason for this poor state of Africa is not that the continent is poor but that there is too much greed in Africa. When African politicians are chopping, they do not know where or when to stop.
Abacha’s loot that passed through London banks was estimated at $1.3 billion. You can imagine how much more passed through Swiss banks. 
It is interesting that the Government of Nigeria made a deal with the Abacha family to return some of the money in exchange for immunity. 
The family returned $750 million. Soon after that the government could not account for $705 million of that amount. In other words, as soon as the Abacha family returned the money, someone also stole it. 
We tend to blame our colonial past and the actions of imperialists for our poverty but the greed of Africa’s political elite has cost Africa much more than the colonialists and imperialists could have taken from Africa. 
According to David Blair of London Telegraph, one African country’s past rulers stole or misused £220 billion or $412 billion. How much did that country’s colonial masters take?
At an April 2000 press conference in London, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan lamented that “Billions of dollars of public funds continue to be stashed away by some African leaders – even while roads are crumbling, health systems have failed, schoolchildren have neither books nor desks nor teachers, and phones do not work.”
But it is not only the African leaders who are killing Africans with their greed. Greed has become very pervasive in our society at all levels. Let me take Ghana for example. I am currently searching for property in Kokomlemle and Osu and I am amazed at the rates being quoted. 
It is obvious from the rents the landlords are demanding that they are reserving their properties for the Chinese and other foreigners because Ghanaians cannot afford them. 
So, because of greed, in a few years, I predict that properties in Kokomlemle, Osu, Asylum Down, Labone and places like that will be occupied almost exclusively by the foreigners.
A friend of mine whom I had not met in a long time came to my office not too long ago. After the pleasantries, I asked him what wind had blown him my way. He said, “My little girl attends a school not too far from here. I usually come to pick her but today when I arrived, the school said that they are organising extra classes for the children. So, I have to wait but I did not want to return to my office and come back and that is why I passed by to see you and also to kill some time.”
I said to him, “Your little girl, Maame? Is Maame not just two years old?”
“Yes, she is,” he answered.
I said, “Wait, let me understand something. Is your daughter’s school organising extra classes for two year olds? Is it free?”
He said, “What free? It comes at an extra fee and it is compulsory.”
Extra classes for two-year olds in Ghana. Why? Because the schools need to find ways of squeezing more money from parents.
Africa fought against colonial rule and succeeded in shaking off the colonial shackles. But can Africa wage a war against greed? And who will lead that fight? Pastors?
In 1983, I was working with one of the units of Christian Council and PNDC was in power. There was flagrant abuse of human rights and Christian Council issued a pastoral letter condemning the human rights abuses. The government sent someone to the Christian Council office with documented cases of the shady deals of well-known pastors. 
Some of the cases involved smuggling by pastors through Kotoka International Airport; others had to do with misuse of church funds. The message from the government was clear: ‘remove the plank in your eyes before you attempt to remove the speck in my eyes.’ It silenced the council for a long time.
You can say that all we need are the right systems in Africa and we will kill corruption and greed. Trust, we do have systems in Africa but because of greed, nobody wants to see those systems work. Those employed to make the system work do not see it in their interest to make the systems work. 
Commenting on this, one of my adopted daughters said, “We say we want to build a wall and so we have to lay blocks. But as soon as we lay the blocks, we dig the sand beneath it and so the whole wall comes crushing down.”
The point I am making is that greed is killing Africa but we cannot count on anyone to fight it for us. We will all collectively and individually have to resolve to give up our greedy ways because it will not take us anywhere. What you gain by your greed, another person takes it from you in his greed. 
The Akans have a saying that ‘if you cut off your tongue and roast it for meat, you really don’t have meat.’ And that is a perfect picture of greed. Your greed makes you loot the nation to put up a mansion and buy the latest executive car. A victim of your greed shoots you in traffic and takes the car from you or he shoots your son and takes the car from him. What have you achieved with your greed?
In Colossians 3:5 the Bible equates greed with idolatry. It is that serious. One way or the other, we need to wake up and realise that greed is killing us and will not take us anywhere. Until we are able to do that, rich Africa will continue to be reduced to a beggar continent and every African will be held in contempt everywhere he goes.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

, Take me back to the old Paths, when Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having  children!
Crime did not pay; Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.

Moms could cook; Dads would work;
Children would behave...
Husbands were loving; Wives were supportive; and children were polite.

Women wore the dresses; and Men wore the trousers.
Women looked like ladies;Men looked like gentlemen; and children looked decent.

People loved the truth, and hated a lie;
They came to church to get IN, Not to get OUT!

Hymns sounded Godly; Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal; and crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked; Drinking was evil; and divorce was unthinkable.

We read the Bible in public; Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house.
To be called a Christian was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!

Sex was a personal word. Homosexual was an unheard of word, And abortion was an illegal word.

Preachers preached because they had a message; and
Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!

Preachers preached from the Bible;
Singers sang from the heart;
Sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!

A new birth meant a new life; Salvation meant a changed life;
Following Christ led to eternal life.

Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
And being a sinner meant someone was praying for you!

Laws were based on the Bible;
Homes read the Bible;
And churches taught the Bible.

Preachers were more interested in new converts than new clothes and new cars.

Church was where you found Christians on the Lord's day, rather than being entertained someway.

Give me that old time religion!
'Tis good enough for me!
I still like the "Old Paths" best! Jeremiah! 6:16.

Please will you forward this to your generation maybe it will add meaning to someone's .
Pls Bless a soul today.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Love Your Own Beautiful Wife

��Don’t shout at your
       wife when you are
       talking. It really
       hurts her.
       *Proverbs 15:1*

  ��Do not speak evil
       of her to anyone.
       Your wife will become
       who you call her.
      *Gen. 2:19*

  ��Do not share her love
      or affection with another
      It is called Adultery.
      *Matt. 5:28*

  ��Never compare your
       wife to another woman.
       If the other woman was
       good for you, God would
       have given her to you.
      *2 Cor. 10:12*

  ��Be gentle and
       accommodating. She
       has sacrificed so much
       to be with you.
       It hurts her deeply
       when you are hash
       and irritating.
       Be tender.
       *Eph. 4:2*

  ��Hide nothing from her.
       You are now one and
       she’s your helpmate.
       Let there be no secret
       you are keeping
       from her.
       *Gen. 2:25*

  ��Do not make negative
       comment about her
       body. She risked her
       life and beauty to carry
       your babies. She is a
       living soul not just
       flesh and blood.
       *Proverbs 18:22*

  ��Do not let her body
       determine her worth.
       Cherish and appreciate
       her even till old age.
       *Eph. 5:29*

  ��Never shout at her
       in the public and in
       private. If you have
       an issue to sort with
       her, do it in the privacy
       of your room.
       *Matt. 1:19*

  ��Thank and appreciate
       her for taking good
       care of you, the kids
       and the house. It is
       a great sacrifice she
       is making.
       *1 Thesso. 5:18*

  ��All women cannot
       cook the same way;
       appreciate your
       wife’s food.
       It is not easy to cook
       three meals a day,
       365 days a year
       for several years.
       *Pro. 31:14*

  ��Never place your
       siblings before her.
       She is your wife.
       She is one with you.
       She must come
       before your family.
       *Gen. 2:24*

  ��Invest seriously in
       her spiritual growth.
       Buy books, tapes and
       any material that will
       edify her *&* strengthen
       her walk with God.
       That’s the best thing
       you can do for her.
       *Eph. 5:26*

  ��Spend time with her
       to do Bible study
       and pray.
       *James 5:16*

  ��Make time to play
       with her and enjoy
       her company.
       Remember when you
       are dead, she’s gonna
       be by your grave but
       your friends may be
       too busy to attend
       your funeral.
       *Ecc. 9:9*

  ��Never use money
       to manipulate or
       control her. All your
       money belongs to
       her. She is a joint heir
       with you of the
       grace of God.
       *1 Pet. 3:7*

  ��Do not expose her
       weakness. You will be
       exposing yourself too.
       Be a shield around her.
       *Eph. 5:30*

  ��Honour her parents
       and be kind to her
       *SOS. 8:2*

  ��Never cease to tell
       her how much you
       love her all the days
       of her life. Women
       are never tired of
       hearing that.
       *Eph. 5:25*

  ��Grow to be like Jesus.
       That’s the only way
       you can be a good
       and godly husband.
      *Rom. 8:29*

              *PASS IT ON*